Have an urgent message that you want to make sure all users see quickly?
Alerts allow administrators the ability to share urgent messages quickly with all users of your OneCampus tenant. Alerts can be displayed as a banner, a pop up (blocker) or a combination of the two.
OneCampus will monitor for new active alerts every 30 seconds.
You can enable the ability to send Push Notifications for Alerts under Advanced Settings>Browser Push Notifications Enabled.
Create an alert
- To create an alert, click the Advanced menu, then click Alerts.
- Click +New Alert. The fields in red are required.
- Enter an Alert Title. [Required]
- Max character count for the alert title is 200 characters.
- Try to be as descriptive as possible. - Select an icon to represent the alert. [Optional]
- Click within the icon field to choose from the list of available images.
- The default icon is an exclamation point. - Choose an Alert Type from the drop down list [Optional]
- Banner - A banner alert will display across the top of each screen in your tenant without a dismiss button. This type of alert will fall away from view at the designated end date and time.
- Blocking - A blocking alert will display as a pop up window with a dismiss button. End users will need to either click the dismiss button or elsewhere on the screen to continue their work. This is the default alert type.
* If the end user opts to click elsewhere on their screen (off clicks and doesn’t use the dismiss button), he/she will be prompted again by the blocking alert when they navigate to another page in OneCampus. Dismissing the alert is the only way to make it not reappear when using the same computer and browser.
- Blocking with Banner - Choosing this alert type will simultaneously display a blocking alert (a popup alert with a dismiss button) and a banner alert (banner across the top of the screen without a dismiss button).
* The blocking portion of this alert can be dismissed by the end user while the banner portion of the alert will remain until the alert end date and time. - Write your alert Message. [Optional]
- Check the “Show message on the alert” box if you wish to include this description on the alert, otherwise only the alert title will be displayed.
- Options to bold, italicize, hyperlink and bullet are available .
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