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Microsoft Connector Setup

Follow the steps below in order to set up your Microsoft Connector for OAuth 2.0 connection and obtain the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret. You need to register a new application using the Azure portal. You can either follow the tutorial provided by Microsoft ( or follow the steps below:


  1. Go to the Azure portal and login: ( Then, click on “Azure Active Directory”, under “Azure services”:
  2. Click on “App registrations” on the left-side navigation bar:
  3. Click on “New registration” from the top bar:
  4. Complete the form as following and click on “Register”. The name of the application will be user-facing, but it can be changed. Select the supported account types according to your institution requirements. Choose the application type as “Web” and set the redirect URI to your OneCampus “oauthConnectorCallback” redirect URI (i.e. https://{{OCurl}}/connectors/oauthConnectorCallback):

  5. Once the app is registered, the application is assigned a new client ID (the tenant ID should be the same across applications). Those two are first two fields required on OneCampus:
  6. The next step is to generate a new secret. Click on “Certificates & secrets” on the left-navigation area:
  7. In this page, click on “New client secret” and a modal will show up:

  8. In this modal, give a name to this secret and set the expiration time for this client, then click “Add”:
  9. Once that secret is generated, copy its "Value” to OneCampus:

  10. You can add/edit the redirect URIs by clicking on the link next to “Redirect URIs”:

  11. The final step is to set the required API permissions. Click on “API permissions” on the left-navigation area:

    • If your application allows users to consent to applications on their own, all the required permissions would be delegated and none would require an admin consent. Below is the list of required permissions:
    • If your application requires admin consent, then three permissions need be “Application” permissions where an admin consent is required. Those three permissions are under the “Microsoft graph” permissions > “Application permissions”: Calendars.Read, Files.Read.All, and Mail.Read. The rest should be delegated permissions:


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