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Browser Notifications Report - Quick Start Guide

Looking for a way to view Browser Push Notification delivery statistics within your OneCampus instance?

You can use the Browser Notifications Report to see the number of notification deliveries, the number of opens and the number of fails for each Global Announcement or Alert push notification that was sent. This report will be visible to Administrators as well as Publishers that have been granted permissions to the reports module. Data contained in this report is for the previous 90 days.


Access the Browser Notifications Report

  1. Begin by clicking the Reporting menu, then select Browser Notifications.
  2. From the Browser Notifications screen, you will see a listing of all of the Browser Push Notifications for Alerts and Global Announcements that have been sent through your tenant. Scroll to the right to see additional columns. Use the search bar to quickly look for a specific announcement title. Click the Advanced link to see additional filtering options.
  3. Use the begin and end date fields to filter notifications that were sent during a specific period of time or you can select a period of time from the drop down.
  4. Use the Notification Types drop down to filter on either Alert push notifications or Global Announcement push notifications.
    The Clear all link can be used to reset all filters back to their default state.
  5. There are options to sort your columns in ascending or descending order using the down pointing arrows located at the top right hand corner of each column. Here, you also have the option of hiding or unhiding columns.
  6. Lastly, you can use the blue menu button on the right of your screen for additional options including: toggle filtering, the ability to reopen columns that have been hidden or exporting options to download the data into a csv file.


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