Looking for a way to organize tasks for different schools or colleges (for example, School of Business)? Adding Campuses can help you with that.
Before you get started, you may elect to change the term “Campus” into a more relatable term such as School, College, or Department. From the Publishing menu, click on Advanced > Settings > Campus Name Customization. You can then change the singular and plural versions to what makes the most sense for your institution. This will change the word “Campus(es)” throughout the application.
Add a Campus
- Click the Advanced menu, then select Campuses (or whatever name you have changed Campuses to).
- Click the +New Campus” button.
- Type in the Name of the Campus (e.g. School of Business, HR Department) [Required]
- Add a Short Name. [Optional]
- In cases where more than one campus is assigned to a task, “Short Name” can be designated to display on the task tile and in the search results. For example, the short name for the North Scottsdale Satellite Campus might be North Campus.
- Type in a Unique Key. [Required]
- Unique Keys may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, or dashes (no spaces) and must be unique.
- The Name will be visible to users and the Unique Key will become part of the campuses URL as a postfix (e.g. https://yourinstitution.onecampus.com/lawschool).
- Enter the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for this campus. [Optional]
- Entering Latitude and Longitude coordinates in these fields will enable location data, causing a modal window to display the nearest campus suggestion to your end users upon visiting the site.
- Longitude is required when Latitude is provided and vice versa.
- You can obtain Latitude and Longitude coordinates from most major web mapping services, such as Google.
- If you prefer to use a custom URL, the URL must have the same top level domain (TLD) and we (rSmart) must configure a few items on our end as well. [Optional] - Only functional with CAS -based authentication
- For example, if you wanted to use https://lawschool.xyzuniversity.onecampus.com rather than the standard auto-assigned URL (based on the Unique Key) you would enter this “custom” address into the URL box and submit a request at http://support.rsmart.com with the setup request.
- You can also enter an Alias (or two or three) if you wish to give alternative names to a particular Campus. This will assist with search functionality. [Optional]
- Enter the HTML that will replace the standard Header that you had previously set (see Quick Guide for Headers & Footers/CSS). Then, enter the HTML for the Footer field. [Optional]
- Finally, you can enter CSS (style sheets) to further customize the appearance of your new Campus. No clue what this means? Feel free to skip (as it’s an optional field too) or maybe check in with your Marketing and/or IT groups for help with this piece.
- Click Save and repeat as needed.
Once added, the All Campuses dropdown (or whatever name you changed Campuses to) will appear beneath the search bar, next to Roles.
To Edit or Delete an existing Campus, click Advanced > Campuses.
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