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API Accounts (Add/Edit/Delete/Renew/Unlock) - Quick Start Guide

Want to utilize APIs to create, update, or delete objects in your OneCampus tenant?

If you are unfamiliar with the term application programming interface (API), you will need to work with a developer at your institution who is familiar with RESTful web services to leverage this functionality.

Before a developer can access the OneCampus APIs, an Administrator must create one or more API Account(s). These accounts and credentials are created and stored inside of OneCampus, and your local (campus) authentication system is not used. An institution can then choose from a variety of different programming languages (Java, C#, Swift, Objective-C, C++, Perl, PHP, etc.) to communicate with the OneCampus APIs.


Create an API account

  1. To Create an API Account, click the Advanced menu, then click API Accounts.
  2. Click +New API Account. The fields in red are required.
  3. Enter an API Account Title. [Required]
    • This is the name of the account and can be a person’s name, a group/department name, etc. The title is how this account will be referred to throughout the system, including within the Audit Trail Log.
  4. Enter the Email. [Required]
    • The email is used to send a daily reminder starting 60 days from the API Account expiring.
  5. Select the Status. [Optional]
    • You may choose from Live or Inactive. The default status is Live.
  6. Indicate the Maximum Number of New Resources. [Required]
    • By default, the maximum number of new resources is 50 (i.e. 50 tasks, 50 tags, 50 task centers). However, you may increase this number up to 999,999. This field aims to put a cap (or limit) on the number of new resources (tasks, tags, task centers) that can be created to prevent outside systems from accidentally overpopulating OneCampus.

      Please note: Since the count does not reset, if the account reaches its maximum, you may need to bump this count higher to allow additional resources to be created.
  7. Choose a Permission Access Level. [Required]
    • Select Admin Access, Publisher Access or Personal Data Access for the permission level for this account. Mirroring the permission differences in OneCampus, publishers have a subset of rights as compared to administrators. For example, publishers may not create Tags or Task Centers.
    • If selecting Publisher Access, choose the appropriate publisher(s) from the dropdown menu.
      • The Publishers listed here are the only publishers the API account will be allowed to retrieve or assign to Tasks when creating or updating.
      • If the task publishing approval is turned on, new tasks created through the API will still be routed for approval.
  8. Account Credentials [Required]
    • Your Username and Password will be chosen automatically. The Expiration is determined in the App Settings under Advanced>API Account Expiration. The Admin can choose a 1-year, 2-month expiration or a 2-year, 2-month expiration.

      Note: Once you save this page, the password will not be retrievable. Please copy and store this username and password in a secure location.
  9. Click the Save button and repeat steps 2 through 9 for each new API Account.
  10. Locked Account
    • An account will become locked after five (5) failed login attempts within a 24-hour period. An Admin can unlock the account. Go to the API Accounts page and click on the action button (down arrow) for the account that is locked. Click on unlock and the account will be unlocked.

To Edit or Delete an existing API account, click on Advanced then click API Accounts.



  • If you click Cancel when creating a new API account, it will Delete everything you’ve done up to that point. If you hit Cancel when editing an existing API Account, you will be returned to the previously saved version (and will not delete the API Account).
  • Once an API account is created, the credentials and documentation below must be shared with the developer(s) who will be working on your APIs. This documentation is also available to Administrators and Publishers under the Advanced menu.

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