Connect Banner 9 to your OneCampus instance.
Using the Connector tool, OneCampus Administrators can seamlessly connect Banner 9 to their OneCampus instance. Once the connection is authorized by the individual end users, the Banner 9 Connector brings in the Banner 9 courses and allows the user to go directly to their course page in Banner 9. The Banner 9 Connector needs to be enabled by a TransAct admin before it can be used.
Use the Banner 9 Connector
- Begin by clicking the Advanced menu, then click Connectors.
- On the Connectors page, click the Configure button next to Banner 9 Connector.
- From the Configure Banner 9 Connector page, you can determine the status of the Banner 9 Connector by switching it on or off. For example, you may leave it off while you are finalizing your configurations and then turn it on when you are ready to go live with your end users. The default status is off.
- Next, begin your configurations by entering your Banner 9 URL. Note that the Banner 9 instance needs to have both StudentApi and GeneralApi enabled in order for the connector to work.
- Enter your Banner 9 Username and Password
- The Username and Password should have an admin access level. The account should be able to access the schedules of all students. The student schedules are retrieved using their G ID/Number (i.e. G12345678). Read the notes at the bottom for more info regarding the G ID/Number.
- Indicate what you want the Modal Fields Title to say.
- This step controls the text that is displayed in the title of the modal window that informs the individual end users that they need to authorize the Banner 9 connection.
- The default modal title is “Authorize OneCampus to Access Banner 9”.
- Indicate what you want the Authorize Message to say.
- This step controls the text that is displayed within the modal window that informs the individual end users that they need to authorize the Banner 9 connection.
- The default oauth message is “Banner 9 and OneCampus are now connected but you need to authorize the connection. Do you want to authorize the connection?”
- Indicate what you want the Deauthorization Message to say.
- This step controls the text that is displayed within the deauthorization modal window that informs the individual end users of what they are about to do should they click the deauthorize button located within their options button.
- The default oauth deauthorization message is “Do you want deauthorize the connection? This will remove the section Banner 9 Connector from the campus page but you can re-authorize in the Preferences panel if you change your mind.”
- Next, customize the OneCampus Front Page Fields. Start by choosing a Title.
- The title will be the header for the section where the Banner 9 courses appear on your OneCampus main page.
- The default title is “Banner Courses” but you can change this to whatever is appropriate.
- Choose an Image Set to represent the Banner 9 tasks.
- The image you choose will appear on the task tile for each Banner 9 course within OneCampus.
- Choose a Task to associate with this Connector for Announcements. [Optional]
- You may or may not already have a Banner 9 task set up in OneCampus. If you do, select it from the drop down. If you don't, you will need to create one and revisit this configurations page to associate it with this connector.
- Please see additional instructions below for Adding announcements to the Banner 9 section.
- Choose the area within Banner 9 that you want the Task Tiles to Link to. [Optional]
- You have the option of selecting “Course Page”, “Course Announcements” or “Banner 9 Dashboard” from the drop down.
- If "Banner 9 Dashboard" is selected, end users will be directed to the Banner 9 dashboard each time they click on a Banner 9 task.
- If "Course Announcements" is selected, end users will be directed to the announcements section within Banner 9.
- If "Course Page" is selected, end users will land on the specific course details page within Banner 9.
- Since this connector is considered in Beta phase, all courses link to the main page of the connector site, no matter what’s being selected in the dropdown.
- You have the option of selecting “Course Page”, “Course Announcements” or “Banner 9 Dashboard” from the drop down.
- Configure an ACL Expression/s. [Optional]
- Leaving the ACL section empty will allow everyone access to the connector.
- Administrators can add ACL expressions to restrict this connector to specific users. Only those identified users will see the connector authorization modal windows as well as see their courses pull through onto the OneCampus main page.
- Select Or from ACL Expression drop down
- Click the green [+] sign
- Select Condition from Expression Type
- Select a unique identifier from the Value dropdown
- In the Is Equal To box, enter the data that matches the Value selected
- Click Add
- Click Save. (Once the configurations have been saved, and if the status switch described in step three is turned on, your end users will be presented with the Banner 9 Authorization modal window upon their next login).
- You also have options to Cancel or Delete the configurations at this point.
- Clicking cancel before clicking save will discard anything you entered, however, if an existing configuration had been saved previously, that saved configuration will NOT be changed OR discarded.
- Clicking Delete will remove the configurations you have set up and disable the Banner 9 Connection.
- You also have options to Cancel or Delete the configurations at this point.
- Once an end user confirms that they want to authorize the Banner 9 Connection, they will be presented with a similar Banner 9 authorization modal window.
- Clicking Authorize in this window is the only step and will cause their Banner 9 courses to appear as tasks on the main OneCampus page.
- By default, Banner 9 tasks will appear at the bottom of the main OneCampus page. Administrators can change this by visiting the Main Page Layout module within the Branding Section. From the Main Page Layout screen, drag and drop the Banner 9 section to the desired location on the page.
- Clicking Authorize in this window is the only step and will cause their Banner 9 courses to appear as tasks on the main OneCampus page.
- If an end user inadvertently dismisses the Banner 9 Authorization modal window, they can authorize the Banner 9 connection by clicking the “Authorize” button that is located within their Preferences section beneath the sign in drop down.
- If an end user clicks the gear image next to the Banner 9 Connector Tasks header they will be presented with options to “Deauthorize” their Banner 9 connection or change the display size of their Banner 9 task tiles.
- Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for the Connectors Error Log for additional information in regards to connector related errors that your end users might be receiving.
- Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for the Users Report for additional information in regards to how a OneCampus Administrator can deauthorize the Banner 9 Connector for a specific user.
- The G ID/Number consists of the letter “G” followed by 8 numbers, like so: G12345678. The G ID/Number needs to be passed to OneCampus by the SSO through ANY attribute. The Connector logic will loop through all attributes to find the G ID/Number.
Adding an Announcement to the Banner 9 tasks section
To add an Announcement to the Banner 9 Tasks section, please follow these steps:
- You will first need to make sure that an actual task for Banner 9 (not a course task but an actual task for Banner 9) exists in your tenant. If there isn't a Banner 9 task set up in your system currently you will need to make one.
- Next, go to the Announcements module and create a task level announcement for that Banner 9 task. Please see the Quick Guide for Announcements for additional info on how to create an announcement.
- Go to the Banner 9 configuration page, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Banner 9 task from the drop down.
- Click Save.
Once saved, you will see an announcement indicator next to the Banner 9 Tasks section on the main OneCampus page. If you click on any of your courses the announcement modal window will pop up.
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