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Blackboard Application Key and Secret

A system admin should have a record of the application key and secret when the blackboard application was first created through the developer website.

If not, follow these steps in order to generate a new Blackboard Application Key and Secret:

  1. Login to the Blackboard developer website: and go “My Apps” tab. Then click on the + sign on the top right corner to register an application:
  2. Fill out the name and description, and choose a group for your application:
  3. An application key and secret will be generated. These two fields are required on OneCampus:
  4. A new record will show on the applications page with a new application ID:
  5. This application ID should be used on the Blackboard Learn instance and should be added as REST API Integration. That’s located in the System Admin module on the Blackboard Learn website, under Building Blocks, REST API Integrations (bottom right corner on the following image):
  6. From that REST API Integrations page, you should be able to link the application that was created on the developer account to the Blackboard Learn instance: using the “Create Integration” button:



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