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Copy Connectors - Quick Start Guide

Need a quick way to copy information from one OneCampus instance to another?

Using the Copy Connector tool, OneCampus customers can easily copy images, tags, roles, categories, markets, publishers, task/task centers, announcements and alerts from one instance to another (for example if you needed to copy tasks over from your test instance to your production instance). Please note: Before you are able to follow the directions below, you must first have an API account set up in both the tenant that you want to copy from as well as the tenant you want to copy to. Administrators can create API accounts by clicking the Advanced menu, then click API Accounts. Administrators may also refer to the API Accounts quick guide for additional information.

Use the Copy Connectors

  1. Begin by clicking the Advanced menu, then click Connectors.
  2. From the Connectors screen, click the Configure button next to OneCampus Copy Entities.
  3. From the Configuration screen select the Entity Type from the drop down.
  4. Next, enter the URL you want to COPY FROM. [Required]
    • You will also need to enter the Username and Password of the API account that corresponds with the copy from tenant. [Required]
  5. After you fill in the Copy From Tenant fields, click the green Connect button to get a list of items to choose from. The list will correspond with whatever data element you are attempting to copy. For example if you are attempting to copy a task, the drop down will contain all of the tasks in the tenant. Select the item you wish to copy. [Required]
  6. Enter the URL you want to COPY TO. [Required]
    • You will need to enter the Username and Password of the API account that corresponds with the copy to tenant. [Required]
  7. Click the green Connect button to make sure your connection info is correct, then click the Execute Button. The screen will refresh and you should receive a message that your item was successfully copied over.

Repeat this process for each of the items that you wish to copy.

* Please be mindful of any error messages that you receive from OneCampus during this process. They will indicate whether there are other entities that need to be copied over before you are able to successfully execute the copy task.


This is the order:

No prerequisites (can be copied in any order):



Image Sets




These have prerequisites (Entity --> prerequisites):

Categories --> Roles

Alerts --> Roles + Campuses

Tasks --> Tags + Categories + Roles + Campuses + Image Sets + (Publisher/Permission Group)

Task Centers --> Tasks + Categories + Roles + Campuses + Image Sets + (Publisher/Permission Group)

Announcements --> Tasks + Task Centers + Roles + Campuses + (Publisher/Permission Group)

Note: The Task/Task Center Announcements require the actual Tasks/Task Centers to be copied first.


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