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Featured (Dynamic Category) - Quick Start Guide

Want to showcase important tasks and task centers within your OneCampus tenant? Featuring tasks and task centers via dynamic category allows you to “pin” them near the top of the main page for easy visibility.

To enable this functionality, you must first click the Advanced menu >Settings >Featured Tasks >Featured Display and choose “Dynamic Category” from the dropdown. Please note, you can feature tasks and task centers via dynamic category however, only tasks may be featured via carousel. In addition, you cannot have the dynamic category and the carousel turned on at the same time.

Once configured, the dynamic category with your featured tasks/task centers will appear beneath My Favorites (if enabled) and above Most Popular on the main store page.

Tasks and task centers can be featured for any period of time. For example, during registration you may want to feature tasks that students use to sign-up for courses. This is also a great place to showcase newly added tasks/task centers!

To feature a task via Dynamic Category

  1. Begin by clicking the Task menu, then click Featured.
  2. Click the “+New Featured Task” button.
  3. Use the search bar to find the task you are wanting to feature. Click the “Feature” button.
    Screen Shot 2016-09-14 at 1.37.15 PM.png
  4. Select how long you wish to feature this task. Enter a Begin Date and End Date [Required]
    • For a One Time feature select a beginning and ending date.
    • Or optionally, you can use the Recurring tab to set up a recurrence.
      • For example to display a task on the 1st of every month for three days you could enter 10/1, 11/1, 12/1 (pressing add in between) for the reoccurrence date (which is also the start date). Then you would enter three for the duration (number of days) and finally 12/31/16 for the until date.
    • To feature a task again after the end date, Edit the featured task, and change the date range.
  5. Click Save and the featured task will be active immediately if today’s date is within the date range you selected. For future dates, it will “go live” at midnight on the date selected. Clicking Cancel deletes any changes made since the last save.

To feature a task center via Dynamic Category

  1. Begin by clicking the Task menu, then click Featured.
  2. Click the “+New Featured Task Center” button.
  3. Use the search bar to find the task center you are wanting to feature. Click the “Feature” button.
    Screen Shot 2016-09-14 at 1.52.09 PM.png
  4. Select how long you wish to feature this task. Enter a Begin Date and End Date [Required]
    • For a One Time feature select a beginning and ending date.
    • Use the Recurring tab set up a recurrence. For example to display a task center at the same time each year. This step is optional.
      • Set up recurrence dates by typing a date into the recurrence dates field and then clicking the add button.
      • Select the duration in days to indicate how long you’d like to feature this task center during the recurrence.
      • Select an Until Date to indicate the exact date you’d like the task center to stop featuring.
    • To feature a task center again after the end date, click Edit and change the date range.
  5. Click Save and the featured task center will be active immediately if today’s date is within the date range you selected. For future dates, it will “go live” at midnight on the date selected. Clicking Cancel deletes any changes made since the last save.


  • If your featured tasks or task centers are not displaying, make sure “Show the Featured Tasks on the store page” is set to Yes under Advanced>Settings>Featured Tasks>Show Featured Task.
  • From the Featured summary page, you will be able to see Currently displayed or scheduled to display soon featured tasks and task centers as well as those that are No longer displaying.
    • To Edit an existing featured task or task center, click the Edit button.
    • To Delete an existing featured task or task center, click the Delete button.
    • To change the order of the tasks and task centers listed in the dynamic category, you can click and drag within the Currently displayed or scheduled to display soon section.
    • You can change the name of the dynamic category for featured tasks by clicking the Advanced menu > Settings> Dynamic Categories> Featured Category Label Name.

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