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Global Announcements (Add/Edit/Remove) - Quick Start Guide

Have a far-reaching announcement that you want everyone to see? Global Announcements are your answer!

Global Announcements allow you to share updates that are important for all end users to see but may or may not relate to a specific Task or Task Center (e.g., a campus event, a workshop, an important deadline, and more).

To enable Global Announcements in your OneCampus tenant you must first click the Advanced menu > Settings > Application > Global Announcements Enabled and change the setting to “yes”.

By default, only administrators can post Global Announcements. Publishers can be granted the ability to post Global Announcements if an administrator creates an ACL for them within the Permission Groups module. Please note that once granted an ACL for Global Announcements, they will have the ability to edit/remove ALL Global Announcements not just the ones they create.

OneCampus Administrators can enable the ability to send Push Notifications for Global Announcements under Advanced Settings>Browser Push Notifications Enabled.

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Create a new Global Announcement

  1. Begin by clicking the Tasks menu, then click Announcements.
  2. Click +New Announcement. The fields in red are required.

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  3. Enter an Announcement Title. [Required]
  4. Select Global from the Announcement Type drop-down.
    • If you are attempting to create a task-level announcement, rather than a global announcement, please stop here and refer to the Task/Task Center Announcements quick guide instead.
  5. Choose a Title Bar Color for your announcement by clicking the Title Bar color dropdown.
    • The six colors that are listed here can be customized by an administrator by clicking the Branding drop down >Visual Styles > Global Announcements and then inserting the desired hex colors.
  6. Write your Announcement Description. [Required]
    • Include all of the details that you wish to communicate to users in regard to this Announcement.
    • Options to bold, italicize, hyperlink, or bullet are available. Please note, that the HTML markup setting must be enabled for your tenant before you will see these options.
  7. Select an Active Date/Time. If you choose neither of the options below your announcement will go live on the site immediately.
    • You have the option of selecting the Specify by Date Range button. You may choose a Begin Date if you want the announcement to start on a future date. The End Date is a required field since it designates when the announcement will stop appearing on the task.
      • Beneath the end date field, you also have the option to end now, which will cause the announcement to be inactive immediately once saved.
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    • You also have the option to have this announcement Recur Daily at a specified time.
      • Click the Begin Time field to select the time you want the announcement to begin showing daily.
      • Click the End Time field to select the time you want the announcement to end daily.
  8. Select the Campus(es) (may be called something else depending on your settings) this announcement applies to. [Optional]
    • The default is “All Campuses”
    • For more information, see Quick Start Guide for Campus(es).
  9. Select the Role(s) that apply to this announcement. [Optional]
    • The default is “All Roles”
    • For more information, see Quick Start Guide for Roles.
  10. If you have enabled the tenant setting for Browser Push Notifications, it is at this step where you will see a checkbox to send a Push Notification to your end users upon saving the Global  Announcement. [Optional]
    • If you have not enabled the tenant setting for Browser Push Notifications, you will not see this step.
    • If the Global Announcement is set up to go live at a future date/time, you will not see the checkbox to send a push notification. We will automatically send a push notification for the Global Announcement when it goes live at the designated time.
    • Please note: These notifications will work on Chrome and Firefox, however, due to limitations with iOS, they do not work on any iOS devices.
  11. Click the Save button to save your Global Announcement. Once saved, your announcement will go live immediately, unless you have specified a future start date.
    • You can use the Preview button to see what your announcement will look like before you save it and it goes live.

Repeat the above steps for each Global Announcement. Or return to the Tasks menu and click Announcements to Edit, Remove, Copy or Delete an existing announcement.



  • End Users can expand or collapse the Global Announcements section by clicking on the small bell icon located to the left of the sign-in dropdown.
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  • A small indicator dot will appear on the Global Announcement bell when global announcements are present. Once an end user dismisses their Global Announcements the indicator dot will go away.
  • End users do not need to be logged in to OneCampus in order to view global announcements. These types of announcements are displayed on the main page.
  • Once authenticated, End Users will be able to dismiss a Global Announcement by clicking the “x” in the upper right-hand corner or they can click “view all” which will display both active and previously dismissed global announcements.
  • To repost an announcement that has been previously dismissed by users, click the “edit” button next to the specific Global Announcement and check the Repost box. Make sure that your date parameters are still valid before clicking the Save button.
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  • Tenant data for Global Announcements can be exported into a CSV file. First, filter your announcements by status (active vs. inactive) and Type (Task/Task Center Announcements versus Global Announcements). Next, click the “Export Announcements” button, which can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the Announcements page. Data can be exported for the current page (just the items showing) or all pages, where applicable.
  • If you would like to reorder the sequence of the global announcements, please click the Global Announcement Order button on the Global Announcements page, then click and drag the announcements to the desired order.

  • You can control the number of global announcements that you display to your end users at any one time by updating the setting called Global Announcements Count that is located within the Advanced Settings module.

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