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A Guide to Migrate Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API to HTTP v1

(The following guide should only be used after the OneCampus update scheduled for 05/29/2024)

Please follow these steps to migrate from the legacy FCM Cloud Messaging API that uses a Server key to the new HTTP v1 APIs, which uses a private key JSON:

NOTE: The legacy key is deprecated and will stop working on 6/20/2024

  1. Login to your Firebase console and click on your OneCampus mobile app project.
  2. Click on the gear icon next to “Project Overview”, then click “Project Settings”:
  3. The legacy “Server key” used to be under the “Cloud Messaging” tab:
  4. You can generate the new private key JSON by going to the “Service accounts” tab, then click on “Generate new private key”:
  5. Store a copy of this private key for your records, as you won’t be able to download it again.
  6. Copy the JSON file and go to your OneCampus instance to update the tenant setting “FCM Server Key.” (Note: this tenant setting name will change to: “FCM Service Account Private Key JSON” after the update). Paste the JSON file content as-is in the tenant setting field.
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