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OneCampus and Google Analytics

If you are reading this, chances are you want to know more about how you can use your Google Analytics (GA) account to monitor and analyze the traffic that is coming through your OneCampus tenant. Please note that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive resource for understanding the many intricacies of GA. If you aren’t very familiar with Google Analytics, this document is not meant to train you. Take a look at these two helpful sites to first learn the basics:


Analytics training from Google:

Third-Party beginner’s guide:


Once you’ve had the opportunity to visit those sites and learn the ropes, you will next need to hook your OneCampus tenant to your GA account. This can be accomplished by clicking Publishing>Advanced Settings>Maintain Settings and then entering your Google Analytics ID where is says GOOGLE-ANALYTICS-ID beneath the Miscellaneous section.


When properly configured, your OneCampus tenant and your GA account should begin communicating.


Once logged in to your GA account, your dashboard is a good place to quickly see an overview of user activity. Dashboards can be customized to add in other sections we will talk about below (Behaviors, events, etc).

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Events are key to see what your users are searching for. First click on “Real-Time” and then “Events” and you will see this:

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Next, click on “Store” in the Event Category column to see all of the search terms and how many times they have been used. The search terms are listed under the “Event Label” column:

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Click on “Real-Time” and then “Content” to see which TDP (Task Details Page) and TCP (Task Center Page) pages are being accessed:

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To see historical data, look in the “Behavior” section. First, click on “Behavior > Events > Top Events” and then click on “store.”

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Then you will see the top things people are doing on your instance of OneCampus. Not surprising that “search” is number one!

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Now click on “Search” and you can see all the terms people have been searching for:

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Lastly, the “Behavior” section gives you a deep view into the path that your users are taking through your OneCampus tenant. The “Overview” section gives high-level visibility related to unique users and views. It also displays statistics for average time on a page or the site as a whole as well as the individual pages being hit and how many times.

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If you would like additional information about how Google Analytics works, you can visit the Google Analytics Academy at for free online courses and other resources, hosted by Google.

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