Connect Regroup to your OneCampus instance.
OneCampus Administrators can now configure their OneCampus instance to pull alerts in from Regroup Mass Notifications service. This connector consists of the ability to automate the configuration of RSS, CAP Alerts, and Private messages from Regroup and posts
them in OneCampus.
Configure the connection between Regroup and OneCampus
- Start by clicking the Advanced menu, then click Connectors.
- On the Connectors page, click the Configure button next to Regroup Connector.
- From the Configure Regroup Connector page, you can determine the status of the Connector by switching it on or off. For example, you may leave it off while you are finalizing your configurations and then turn it on when you are ready to go live with your end users. The default status is off.
- Enter a Username and Password that will be used to make the connection with OneCampus.
- The Username and Password will automatically create an API account within OneCampus.
- Username must be at least 6 characters in length.
- Password must be at least 12 characters in length.
- Indicate Alert Severity Colors.
- If the severity element is provided, the connector will change the color of the alert based on the value provided here.
- Enter HEX colors (for example #D20000) to designate extreme, severe, moderate and minor alerts.
- Extreme - Default is red
- Severe - Default is orange
- Moderate - Default is yellow
- Minor - Default is green
- Enter Alert Duration.
- This field controls the duration in hours for alerts to be active.
- Default duration is 6 hours.
- Click Save.
- Once saved, when CAP alerts are sent from Regroup, OneCampus will use the connector configurations to authenticate the request, set the alert colors, set the alert duration and display the alert to end users within OneCampus.
- If you are posting a CAP Alert: within Regroup, post to this url: https://{OneCampusUrl}/rest-api/secure/CAP/alert
- with a "public" scope and no addresses.
- If you are creating an RSS Message: within Regroup, post to this url: https://{OneCampusUrl}/rest-api/secure/regroup
- with no addresses included.
- If you are posting a Private Message: within Regroup, post to this url: https://{OneCampusUrl}/rest-api/secure/regroup
- with a list of addresses.
- An Address can be a username, a personId, an email, and/or a SAML 2.0 Authentication role attribute.
- Addresses use a space “;“ delimiter.
- Private messages will only be visible when a user is logged in.
- Private messages show up in the targeted notifications area with a highlighted color.
- Private messages invoke the targeted notifications badge to indicate the number of notifications.
- with a list of addresses.
- Initially, no private or RSS messages will be displayed within OneCampus. The connector will need to query the RSS channel every 10 minutes to retrieve and deliver notifications to end users.
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