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Roles - Quick Start Guide

Roles represent various users or groups such as faculty, students, or staff.


Before you begin, think about the groups or types of users that access services at your campus. By defining Roles, users can easily filter down to services that apply to them.

For example, if you have programs or services that only pertain to students, they can select “Student” from the drop-down menu and view only those applicable tasks.


Add a Role

  1. Click the Filter Settings menu, then click Roles.
  2. Click on +New Role and enter a Name and a Unique Key [Required]
    • Unique Keys may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, or dashes (no spaces) and must be unique system wide.
  3. Click Save and repeat as needed to build out all of your institution’s Roles.

To edit a Role, repeat step 1 and click Edit to update or Delete to remove a role.


Note: Please refer to the “Understanding Default Role Filters within OneCampus” guide for information on how to pass the role attribute from your authentication source in order to default the role filter/dropdown in OneCampus when a user logs in.

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