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Tags - Quick Start Guide

Want to improve search functionality? Tags get users to the right place faster.

If you are foreign to the concept of tags, think of them as keywords or search terms. Websites are “tagged” with terms to improve your results when you search the web. In other words, sites are returned based on matches between the keywords you searched for and those “tagged” by a site’s owner. OneCampus works in a similar way.

Example: When you create a task for your Library, you may want to consider tagging with words such as catalog, research database, eBook, article, journal, and/or video. As a guideline, it is helpful to include any term that users may use to search for the Library and its services but is not used/contained in the task description.

Add a Tag

  1. To add a Tag, click the Filter Settings menu, then select Tags.
  2. Click +New Tag and type in the name of the tag you want to add.
  3. Next, you will need to decide if you want the tag to be Hidden by Default. If a tag is Hidden by Default, it will not be seen by users or display on the Task Definition Page but will still help with search results. You may want to take this approach when a sensitive or unusual word/phrase may be used when searching.
    Example: a Counseling Services task may include hidden tags for drugs, addiction, alcoholism, etc. You want students to be able to search for these things but don’t necessarily want them to display to users. Hidden tags can also be used for common misspellings.
  4. Next, consider adding an Alias (or more than one) to further improve search results. An alias is not visible to users but can help you avoid creating several separate tags for closely related or like terms. For example, if your tag is “dorm,” you may want to include “dormitory” and “dormitories” as aliases.
  5. Click Save and simply repeat the above steps for additional tags.


  • Click Edit or Delete next to the Tag you want to change or remove.
  • Click the Popular Tags button to see a list of the top 20 tags in the system. If you see tags that you like, you can select them to be created for you. This functionality is currently only available to US customers.
  • Tenant data for Tags can be exported into a CSV file. The “Export Tags” button can be found in the upper right hand corner of the Tags page. Data can be exported for the current page (just the items showing) or all pages, where applicable.

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