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Task Centers - Quick Start Guide

What is a Task Center?

Task Centers are a searchable collection of related tasks. For example, a Task Center may be used to gather all of the individual tasks related to New Student Resources.




*** Please note that while Administrators have the ability to create new Task Centers, Publishers only have the ability to add, remove or rearrange tasks from Task Centers that are assigned to them. If you’d like for a Publisher to have full access to Task Centers (including the ability to create new Task Centers) you can update their permissions to include Task Centers within the Permission Groups module.

Create a Task Center

  1. To create a Task Center, click the Task menu, then select Task Centers.
  2. Click +New Task Center. The fields in red are required.
  3. Enter a Title [Required]
    • Keep the Title simple as it will be used throughout OneCampus (e.g. New Student Resources)
  4. Enter a Task Center unique key [Required]
    • The Unique Key may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and/or dashes (no spaces). The Unique Key will become part of the URL for the Task Center Details page and is important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  5. Enter a Description for this Task Center [Required]
    • This is the description that is visible on the Task Center Page.
    • Include all of the details that you wish to communicate to users in regards to this task center.
    • Options to bold, italicize, hyperlink or bullet are available.
      • Please note that before you are able to use any of the description markup or preview functionality, HTML descriptions must first be enabled. Click Advanced>Settings>Features>Html Descriptions Enabled.
  6. Enter a Task Center Meta Description (Search Engine Optimization) [Required]
    • This is a very brief summary of the Task Center (Max 155 characters). This text will be displayed when using search engines such as Google or Bing. Important: Meta Description must be unique to each Task Center. Your campus marketing or web services team may be a good resource for help with SEO language.
  7. Select a Status OR Date Range for this Task Center. [Optional, however, will default to inactive if a selection is not made]
    • If Status is selected from the status/date toggle, the Publisher is opting to set a status of active or inactive for the task center. (Active = live on the site, Inactive = not live on the site)
    • If Date Range is selected from the status/date toggle, the Publisher is opting to set a specific date range that this task center will be visible. The system will automatically derive the status from the dates that you input.
  8. Select a Publisher, if applicable, from the dropdown [Optional]
    • Use this field to choose what person or department is creating/requesting this Task Center. This field is used when you have established a distributed publishing process. Otherwise this field will not appear.
  9. Select the Campuses this Task Center applies to [Optional]
    • The default is “All Campuses” but you can add one or more to assist with filtering.
    • For more information, see the Quick Start Guide for Campus(es).
  10. Select the Role(s) this Task Center applies to. [Optional]
    • The default is “All Roles” but it is helpful to identify the users so they can sort Tasks by Role (e.g. faculty or parent).
  11. Select the Category(s) this Task Center applies to. [Optional]
  12. Select an Icon Image if you would prefer to use a single icon image to represent this task center. [Optional]
    • If you don't select an image here, a grid image will be created for this Task Center that combines the individual icons for all of the tasks that are contained within this task center. To see an example of this, see step 21.
  13. Select the Tasks to be grouped in this Task Center.
    • Use the search bar to locate the tasks that you would like to include in the Task Center.
    • You can refine your search by using the Campus and/or Role drop down lists. The default is All Campuses and All Roles. If you are not using Campuses in your tenant of OneCampus, then you will only see the Role drop down list and All Roles will be the default.
    • Click to highlight the desired task. Move it from the Tasks Found box to the Selected Tasks box using the right facing arrow.
    • You can remove tasks from the Selected Tasks box by highlighting the task and clicking the left facing arrow to return it to the Tasks Found box.
  14. Designate Task Order.
    • You can drag and drop the task icons to rearrange their order.
    • You can click the x in the upper right hand corner of a particular task to remove it from the Task Center.
  15. Add Headers to your Task Center to separate content. [Optional]
    • Type your Header into the Add Header field, then click the plus sign to add your Header into the Task Order area.
    • Once your Header appears in the Task Order area, you can drag and drop it to arrange it in the desired location.
    • If a header doesn't have any tasks organized beneath it, then that header will not be displayed.
  16. If applicable, enter an Active Content Public URL. [Optional]
    • This field is to be used for task centers where you wish to display a live JSON feed (i.e. weather, classified ads).
    • See the Quick Start Guide called Active Content Task Setup for additional instruction.
  17. Check the box for Active Content Authentication if you wish to execute Active Content only when a user is logged in. If checked, public content will not begin scrolling on the task center tile until a user authenticates. [Optional]
  18. Use Update Frequency to enter the number of seconds that you would like the task center tile to refresh its Active Content (live JSON feed) after the tile has been displayed. [Optional]
  19. Enter an API Key. An API key will be required for authorized feeds. For example if the feed will include sensitive, user-specific data, such as PTO hours or money that remains on an end user's campus dining plan, then you should provide an API key. If the feed will contain general data, such as open hours for a store location or the daily weather, then you do not need an API key. If an API key is provided, we will encode a user parameter in the request that will be made up of the "username|timestamp" as well as provide a parameter in the request called timestamp to verify the encoding.
    • We have provided a Generate Key button on this screen to generate a 128-bit API key for you, if need be.
    • Use the Test button to verify that the active content is being retrieved correctly.
    • See the Quick Start Guide called Active Content Task Setup for additional instruction.
  20. Choose a Tile Height preference from the drop down. [Optional] This option will only appear if you have entered Active Content information in steps 16-19.
    • Normal will allow five pages, up to six lines of content per page, one line at a time.
    • Double will allow five pages, up to six lines of content per page, one page at a time.

  21. Enter Social Media URLs that apply to this task center. [Optional]
    • Indicating links to social media in this step will cause the corresponding social media icons to appear on the task center page, beneath the task center description.
  22. Click the Save button to save your Task Center.

In task tile view your Task Center should now look like this (unless you selected a single image to represent the task center as described in step 12)


IMPORTANT: If you click Cancel, it will delete everything you’ve done up to that point UNLESS you are editing an existing Task Center. In that case, Cancel will return you to the previously saved version and will not delete the Task Center.

Repeat the above steps for each new Task Center. Or, return to the Task menu and click Task Centers to Edit or Delete an existing Task Center.

Note: Tenant data for Task Centers can be exported into a CSV file. The “Export Task Centers” button is in the upper right corner of the Maintain Task Centers page.

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