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Task/Task Center Announcements (Add/Edit/Remove) - Quick Start Guide

Have an important message that relates to a specific task or task center? Task/Task Center Announcements provide the ability to easily share these types of announcements with end users.

Task/Task Center Announcements are indicated by a red circle badge in the top right corner of a task or task center. Some examples of these types of announcements might be to notify users of a system upgrade, service downtime, or a deadline. When a user clicks on a task or task center, a popup will display the announcement. Publishers may only post these types of announcements for tasks they own (i.e. tasks created by or assigned to them) unless they have been granted permission via an ACL within the Permission Groups module. Announcements posted by publishers do NOT route through an admin for approval prior to appearing on the site.



Create a new Task/Task Center Announcement

  1. Begin by clicking the Tasks menu, then click Announcements.
  2. Click +New Announcement. The fields in red are required.
  3. Enter an Announcement Title. [Required]
  4. Select Task/Task Center from the Announcement Type drop down.
    • The Announcement type drop down will only appear if you have both types of Announcements (Task and Global) enabled within the Settings module.
    • If you are attempting to create a Global Announcement, rather than a task/task center announcement, please stop here and refer to the global announcements quick guide.
  5. Write your announcement Description. [Required]
    • Include all of the details that you wish to communicate to users in regards to this announcement.
    • Options to bold, italicize, hyperlink or bullet are available. Please note, the HTML markup setting must be enabled for your tenant before you will see these options.
  6. Select an Active Date/Time. If you choose neither of the options below your announcement will go live on the site immediately.
    • You have the option of selecting the Specify by Date Range button. You may choose a Begin Date if you want the announcement to start on a future date. The End Date is a required field since it designates when the announcement will stop appearing on the task.
      • Beneath the end date field you also have the option to end now, which will cause the announcement to inactive immediately once saved.

    • You also have the option to have this announcement Recur Daily at a specified time.
      • Click the Begin Time field to select the time you want the announcement to begin showing daily.
      • Click the End Time field to select the time you want the announcement to end daily.

  7. Select the Role(s) that apply to this Announcement.
    • The default is “All Roles”
    • For more information, see Quick Start Guide for Roles.
  8. Select the tasks/task centers where you would like for your announcement to be seen.
    • You can use the search field as well as Market and Role filters to limit the list of Tasks Found.
      • The default is All Markets and All Roles. If you are not using Markets in your tenant of OneCampus, then you will only see the role drop down list and All Roles will be the default.
    • Once an initial Task is selected (added to the right “Selected Tasks” box for the Announcement), both the Task and Task Center lists will filter down to only show Tasks assigned to that SAME publisher.
      • Announcements are publisher specific so you can not create a single Announcement for Tasks assigned to different Publishers.
        • Click to highlight the desired task/task center. Move it from the Tasks Found box to the Selected Tasks box using the right facing arrow.
      • You can select multiple tasks (assign the same announcement to one or more tasks and/or one or more task centers)
      • You can remove tasks from the Selected Tasks box by highlighting the task and clicking the left facing arrow to return it to the Tasks Found box.
  9. You also have the option to disable the ability for your end users to launch the tasks by checking the box beneath the Tasks Found field. For example during a scheduled task outage.
    • By checking this box, your end users will be able to see your announcement but they will not be able to launch the task from the announcement or from the task details page.
    • This functionality will not affect Task Centers.
  10. Click the Save button to save your announcement.

Repeat the above steps for each new announcement. Or, return to the Tasks menu and click Announcements to Edit, Remove, Copy or Delete an existing announcement.





  • Tenant data for announcements can be exported into a CSV file. The “Export Announcements” button can be found in the upper right hand corner of the announcements page. Data can be exported for the current page (just the items showing) or all pages, where applicable.
  • Administrators can grant access to users who may need to add, edit, or remove Task Level Announcements but are not Administrators or Publishers by adding an ACL for them within the Permission Groups module. Please note that anyone added to this ACL will have access to ALL Task Level Announcements and not just the ones they create.
  • When a user clicks on a task or task center, the announcement will appear in two places.
    • As a pop up when the user clicks to launch the task
    • As a bulletin listed on the announcements tab of the task/task center detail page.

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