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How do I view end user activity with the Users Report?

Looking for a way to view data about end user activity within your OneCampus instance?

You can use the Users Report to see information about each of your end users, such as the date of last login, number of logins, various system preferences and more! Data in the Users Report is limited to the past year.

Access the Users Report

  1. Begin by clicking the Reporting menu, then select Users Report.
  2. From the Users Report screen, you will see a listing of all of the end users within your instance. Scroll to the right to see additional columns. Use the search bar to quickly look for a specific user. Click the Advanced link to see additional filtering options.
  3. Use the begin and end date fields to filter users that last logged in during a specific date range or you can select a period of time from the drop down.
  4. The Clear all link can be used to reset all filters back to their default state.
  5. There are options to sort your columns in ascending or descending order using the down pointing arrows located at the top right hand corner of each column. Here, you also have the option of hiding the column or pinning the column for easy side scrolling.
  6. Lastly, you can use the blue menu button on the right of your screen for additional options including: toggle filtering, the ability to reopen columns that have been hidden or exporting options to download the data into a csv file.
  7. For customers who have configured either the Canvas or Blackboard Connectors, we have added two columns to this report to assist with deactivating the connectors for individual users.
    • This may be helpful in circumstances where a user is having difficulties authorizing the connector or is receiving an error message from the connector.
    • Simply locate the user in the report and then scroll to the far right to the columns labeled “Canvas” and “Blackboard”.
    • Click the link to deactivate the connector for that specific user.
      • Once you have done this, they will receive the OAuth modal window to reauthorize the connector the next time they login.blobid6.png


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